Hi -
Our earnest earnest aim should be to continue to forsake areas of darkness and deception. We all have areas of ignorance and need to learn more . . . Also, it's possible to be sincere but to be SINCERELY wrong . . . GOD knows the fulness of our hearts, our intentions, our motives, etc. He knows those who deliberately practice wrong and those who just don't know any better.
Our Lord does expect us to remain humble and teachable . . . Of course, we shouldn't just believe "anything" but to seek Him for further enlightenment. Yes, trying the spirits . . . Living, learning and amending where necessary for spiritually prosperous journeys. Truly, it's an ongoing process for us all.
In recent months, after about four Christians shared that they believe that the popular teaching about speaking in tongues is in error, I began to pay attention. Three of those Christians formerly spoke in tongues. And I'd spoke in tongues for years. Once I got the truth instilled in my spirit by our Lord, I no longer speak in tongues and the results are CERTAINLY spiritually PROFITABLE . . . I'm immensely grateful for the people who GOD used to teach TRUTHS about the controversial issue of speaking in tongues. Thank you, Wenona and Andre, etc.
After the first two folks mentioned that the popular teaching about speaking in tongues is in error, I wasn't inclined to believe it. But then shortly after, the information came from another Christian person and then another . . . So about then, I thought, okay, this matter won't go away from me. I prayed and asked the Lord to show me the TRUTH. He did. The popular teaching about speaking in tongues is NOT of GOD.
I know this former minister (more than thirty years experience) who now does licensed Christian counseling. She shared that what made her doubt the popular speaking in tongues trend is that she knew tongue speaking folks who used drugs -- and in particular, she noted the lack of love flow in the tongue speakers that she knew. She wondered if tongue speaking was so powerful -- why were so many tongue speakers NOT operating in the fruits of the Spirit of GOD.
I know of what she expressed. I'd had similar experiences -- lack of love flow -- with church going, tongue speaking folks. Some are liars, etc.
GOD has no greater joy than to hear that His children walk in truth - 3 John 4.
I do believe that the speaking in tongues mentioned in the Holy Bible was relative to foreign languages. Examples: Acts 2 -- Supernaturally speaking/understanding/interpreting foreign languages like Russian, German, etc. and 1 Corinthians 14 -- interpreting -- such as, Spanish to English -- English to Spanish, etc. The unintelligible mutterings that is popular and prevalent in usage with so many Christians -- isn't of GOD. I did those mutterings for years and loved doing it -- believing that it was speaking in a heavenly language to GOD. I learned that that's NOT truth.
Of course, many shall disagree just as I disagreed until GOD proved to me that the popular teaching about speaking in tongues is in error. I'm NOT here to convince anyone -- that's GOD's decision -- but to share what He revealed to me.
I KNOW that the Lord told me to cease . . . and since I obeyed Him and did cease such tongue speaking -- my relationship with the Lord is richer, deeper, more fulfilling and my spiritual awareness level is more aligned with GOD.
Every former tongue speaker (popular method) that I know of -- have similar testimonies. GOD told them to cease that form of speaking in tongues. All, that I know of, who have obeyed GOD and ceased, are richer in GOD and more spiritually profitable, as a result. Of course, in addition, walking in truth is vital. - 3 John 4 - KJV. Living, learning and amending, as led by the Spirit of GOD.
Note: And I loved speaking in tongues and REGULARLY did it for years. I resisted ceasing to do so -- until the Lord made it CERTAINLY clear, on more than a few occasions, that I was to cease. I obeyed, but it wasn't immediate . . . I wrestled with being sure that it was the Lord who was telling me to cease. The season came when I KNEW that it was indeed the Lord's instruction.
- Below, highlighted in yellow, is an informational link. It's an excellent piece, using 1 Corinthians 14, that clarifies the correct meaning of speaking in tongues. I HIGHLY recommend the article.
3 John 4 - KJV:
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
James 4:17 - KJV:
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
For those who are inclined to seek the Lord in earnest about the tongues matter and to do some in depth studying, viewing and reading about it, below are some links that proved helpful to me.
There are folks in the occult who speak in tongues. Also, some occult practices have made their way into churches . . . This link explains more about that http://www.dividedbytruth.org/FD/sitnnc.htm
Breakdown of 1 Corinthians 14:
This link comes recommended http://www.speaking-in-tongues.net/speakingintongues.html
In reference to the recommended link, the subject piece is lengthy so if you don't have time . . . please at least scroll down on the topic to the heading that reads in yellow writing, "Extra reading not in the downloadable PDF version" - and read the paragraphs there. Potent, indeed!
The following links relative to tongues are from Andre Watson:
Here are links to two videos that are MORE than a bit helpful relative to the matter of speaking in tongues. I earnestly recommend that you watch the entire videos (about 25 and15 minutes in length). They are worth the time! Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm2gznESYiE
Here's more helpful information -- a link to a Facebook post and subsequent comments (Note: I'm not sure how long Facebook keeps posts in their system.):
Note: In Christian communities, tithes and speaking in tongues are two of the most hot button issues. Please click on the link directly below to read the post about tithing http://www.missioneagles.blogspot.com/2014/03/tithes-for-stranger-fatherless-and-widow.html
Note: Here's the link if you're inclined to view the ENTIRETY of this blog www.missioneagles.blogspot.com