Hi -
I'm not sure for how long it's been but there are folks who do false teaching with this scripture:
Hebrews 10:25 - KJV
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; . . .
There are die-hard church attending folks who believe that disobedience to scripture is in place relative to people who abide in the Lord but have ceased to attend church buildings. Commonly, the die-hard church building folks use that Hebrews 10:25 - KJV scripture to justify their false teaching relative to assembling.
That scripture doesn't instruct that assembling of GOD's people has to be in church buildings.
TRULY, GOD has called some folks out from assembling in church buildings. We assemble elsewhere.
Obeying GOD should come before anyone and anything. If GOD hasn't called people out -- then of course, they should remain in attendance at church buildings. Truth is that GOD has indeed called some folks out and folks aiming to guilt trip us (Hebrews 10:25, etc.) about obeying GOD -- ain't it. Nor should we out of churchers seek to guilt trip folks into leaving. The will of GOD should prevail for us ALL who claim Him as Lord.
It's wrong for the die-hard church attendees to pressure folks to be in church for "coverings." That's not aligned with scriptural content. Our covering is Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of the living GOD.
It's vital to commune with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit through prayer, reading and studying the Holy Bible, praise and worship actions, and learning from holy folks who are rooted and grounded in the Lord and His ways.
GOD commands that He be our first love. There are no suitable substitutes for GOD and spending regular quality time in His presence -- learning from Him through prayer, Bible study and using other helpful resources to gain better understanding of truths.
Some folks have ceased to assemble in church buildings for ungodly reasons such as bitterness and unforgiveness. Certainly, that's NOT God's way.
The experience of numerous holy out of churchers is that, largely, church buildings have become dens of iniquity. Our choices to assemble elsewhere have proven to be more spiritually profitable . . . and considerably better than anything that we experienced when we were attending church buildings.
The only one who is NEVER wrong is GOD. . .
Note: This topic was posted in the Facebook discussion group, False Teachers/Teachings . . . If you're inclined to read the comments associated with it, here's the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/298454986990757/permalink/317426801760242/
I don't know how long Facebook keeps postings in their system.
I'm not sure for how long it's been but there are folks who do false teaching with this scripture:
Hebrews 10:25 - KJV
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; . . .
There are die-hard church attending folks who believe that disobedience to scripture is in place relative to people who abide in the Lord but have ceased to attend church buildings. Commonly, the die-hard church building folks use that Hebrews 10:25 - KJV scripture to justify their false teaching relative to assembling.
That scripture doesn't instruct that assembling of GOD's people has to be in church buildings.
TRULY, GOD has called some folks out from assembling in church buildings. We assemble elsewhere.
Obeying GOD should come before anyone and anything. If GOD hasn't called people out -- then of course, they should remain in attendance at church buildings. Truth is that GOD has indeed called some folks out and folks aiming to guilt trip us (Hebrews 10:25, etc.) about obeying GOD -- ain't it. Nor should we out of churchers seek to guilt trip folks into leaving. The will of GOD should prevail for us ALL who claim Him as Lord.
It's wrong for the die-hard church attendees to pressure folks to be in church for "coverings." That's not aligned with scriptural content. Our covering is Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of the living GOD.
It's vital to commune with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit through prayer, reading and studying the Holy Bible, praise and worship actions, and learning from holy folks who are rooted and grounded in the Lord and His ways.
GOD commands that He be our first love. There are no suitable substitutes for GOD and spending regular quality time in His presence -- learning from Him through prayer, Bible study and using other helpful resources to gain better understanding of truths.
Some folks have ceased to assemble in church buildings for ungodly reasons such as bitterness and unforgiveness. Certainly, that's NOT God's way.
The experience of numerous holy out of churchers is that, largely, church buildings have become dens of iniquity. Our choices to assemble elsewhere have proven to be more spiritually profitable . . . and considerably better than anything that we experienced when we were attending church buildings.
The only one who is NEVER wrong is GOD. . .
Note: This topic was posted in the Facebook discussion group, False Teachers/Teachings . . . If you're inclined to read the comments associated with it, here's the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/298454986990757/permalink/317426801760242/
I don't know how long Facebook keeps postings in their system.