Yesterday I posted the topic, "Do Wicked Folks REALLY Go to a Burning Hell?"
The link to that post is below.
Well, today, there's more to seek the Lord about . . .
I'm reading a book, link below, that I haven't finished yet so I can't say that I agree with the total of it . . . These two paragraphs from the book's "Introduction" struck me:
"The traditional Christian view of hell is such an uncomfortable, illogical and contradictory teaching that currently a significant number of Christians believe that, on the Day of Judgement, God will destroy or annihilate all those who have not believed in Jesus Christ during their earthly lives. In other words, they believe that there is no conscious endless suffering in hell, but total destruction of unbelievers, meaning that they will cease to exist.
"We can empathise with some Christians who cannot accept that God would
torture unbelievers forever, and thus have opted to believe in
annihilation. However, we also reject this view as unbiblical. What a
massive defeat the belief in annihilation represents to God, His
purpose, and His love for all people, whom He created in His own image,
and for whom His Son Jesus Christ died, if He were to end up destroying
the vast majority of them out of existence."
Link to book:
Link to book: