Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Friday, October 3, 2014

Striking Things Expressed by Robert Dickerson, etc.

Hi -

I've posted this for those whom the Most High leads to seek Him further relative to the content here -- to examine, research, view video content . . . ONLY if the Most High leads you to do so . . . 

I don't FULLY endorse any -- BUT the Author and the Finisher of our faith.  Only He is NEVER wrong . . .


The content below is s
hared by Robert Dickerson -- used by permission (He posted this content on Facebook.):

- Remember scriptures are in levels: outer court, inner court, holy of holies, then behind the veil. Each takes a deeper look into what is being conveyed . . .

- I believe there's a huge difference in the Word of God and vs the voice of God. Voice carries sound and sound carries energy and energy carries life. My sheep know my voice not what is written. I believe what has been transcribed are oral stories of people hearing his voice and writing what they heard, but God is a NOW GOD..................He is always speaking, the problem is many miss it because they are always reading. There are too many different translations with missing books and scriptures to say what is authentic. I have Hebrew bibles and American and they are different. I have bibles with missing verses and chapters. Something is fishy. I can point out small contradictions on the word, not saying right or wrong. The real God breathed word is when he speaks and you speak what you heard in your inner man. The letter killeth but the spirit gives life.....What's the spirit? His word. Look that word up it means rhema (Now words) Not logos{Past word or written)


Above Robert expressed, "Voice carries sound and sound carries energy and energy carries life."


I, Sandra, found a link online defining sound, it says, "Sound is a form of energy, just like electricity and light."


- God told Hosea to do something that was not written, . . .........God told Hosea -- marry a harlot something that was forbidden in the Law......So again for those that don't think God speaks outside of the word...Don't be fooled...That’s why a lot of us are here now...He is drawing us together to challenge what we have been taught. He is God over his word not the other way around...The word does not govern God. God governs the word...Again.....Think its several places where God told someone something different than what was written..Don't kill but Samuel asked SAUL what is this bleeting I hear in my ear? Did I not say slay everything....Huuuummmm...Please people learn the God in your temple vs the God in the book......You will be surprised at the things the God who dwells in you will show you when you stop looking down and look in....


- Again, although I'm very familiar with how the bible is written in layers, it still will not explain a slew of scriptures that go against each other,. Yes I can understand the carnal MIND will try to explain something that in all actuality--is based on fear of possibly being wrong.. Meaning infallible/perfect means without flaw. We need to stop saying the bible is perfect and remember its only one who is perfect.... The author and finisher of our faith, not the author and finisher of the book we have been taught to hold so dear. Many people are worshiping the bible unbeknonwst to them---and that is idolatry. Many people view the bible as God.....I like to say ---If all the bibles in the world were burned(which at one time many bibles were destroyed) and the originals locked in the vault of the vatican... Would that stop God from speaking? No in my opinion it would finally cause the voice -- not written words of God -- to be heard quite loudly.


- Idolatry is worshiping the bible. Better yet Paul said it better -- worshiping the creation (The bible was created, because it has not always been around.) instead of the Creator who is the beginning and the end....Just food for thought..


- Has anyone considered satan is a parable, representing the carnal mind?  Has anyone seen an upright snake talking or a talking donkey? Those are metaphors, allegories. The garden represents the carnal mind. Adam represents spirit; Eve, emotions -- satan, flesh.

From Robert Dickerson

September 28, 2014


Free online book: God's Plan for All (No, I don't necessarily agree with all of its content, but there are some points that give cause for pause.)


Some relevant links (YouTube) that you may be inclined to visit:


The Myth of Religion

The Truth about Satan

The True Identity of the Devil

The Devil, The Fallen Angel Myth