Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tribute to Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, D.C.

Hi -

I live in D.C. and am a native of this city. Yes, Marion Barry faltered, as do we all.

This I know -- Barry was a lionhearted man of courage in areas that mattered hugely.

He was a people person and that's why many folks continued to love him. They supported and voted for Barry because -- TRULY -- he made a considerable positive difference in the lives of D.C.'s citizens. He's the founder of the youth jobs program here. That beneficial program is still in action helping youth who need employment to aid in providing their needs and desires. Barry consistently helped the senior citizens here in essential ways. He spoke up and pressed for assistance for the downtrodden, the ex-offenders, the homeless and the disenfranchised. He was instrumental in making things happen that benefited folks -- indeed.

Yes, in his many years as a politician, Marion Barry made a significant positive impact on this city and likely even beyond this jurisdiction.

Did I always agree with Marion Barry? No. In fact, a few years ago, I publicly disagreed with him at a city council hearing. A reporter there overheard . . . She approached me to learn more about my disagreement with Barry. I refused to give her a story. I told her that Barry has enough problems. On a different occasion/day, in the Wilson Building, Barry and I encountered one another again. I told him, "I love you." He responded, "Thank you."

Of course, we all have our detractors. Barry had more than a few. Folks can express what they're inclined to mention about his crimes and shortcomings but those who supported him voted with their feet -- straight to the polls -- NUMEROUS times to re-elect him. Barry's legacy will be recorded in the annals of history as one of the greatest political success stories in the WORLD.

Whatever his flaws, NO ONE in the history of THE WORLD was voted into public office as many times as Marion Barry. He was indeed a MASTER politician with "lion blood" running in his heart and veins.

Yes, Barry was a true lover of the people, and for that and other meaningful reasons -- many folks loved, supported and voted for him, regardless.

I'm pleased to go on public record to express that I'm of that number who loved me some Marion Barry.