Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Seats in Church

Hi -

Today I noticed two quotes that struck me.  One is from Frank Coleman.  It says:

"If you come across something that is true and you're doing something that is false, you've come to a crossroads in your life as to whether or not you're going to continue in your falsehood or if you're going to embrace the truth and if not embrace it fully, but at least consider it so that you can study it out -- say, 'Is what I've been doing all these years really what GOD wants of His people.'"

The other quote is from Rick Young.  It says:

 "When a person who is HONESTLY MISTAKEN encounters TRUTH, one of two things certainly will happen.  Either they will cease being MISTAKEN or they will cease being HONEST!"

Okay, let's view the church buildings from spiritual and business aspects.  What a waste of real estate.  Why?  Most church buildings are only open for services/study/prayer 2-3 days a week for a total of a few hours.  How many other buildings/businesses are only open 2-3 times a week for just a few hours? How many other buildings fit such a profile? Not many.

How is such being good stewards of finances?  So what are tithes and offerings REALLY paying for? Here's a link about the popular false teaching about tithing

And being that church buildings are typically ONLY open for services 2-3 times a week for a few short hours, what do folks do when they need a "touch from GOD" off hours? -- wait for the church doors to open back up? Some folks may be major stressed out, suicidal, despondent or even dead by then . . .

How can pouring money into such establishments reasonably be justified from spiritual and financial standpoints?  Why sit bodies in buildings that largely teach false and insufficient doctrine, as well as the traditions and commandments of men?  The Holy Bible says go -- NOT sit.  Go to teach, to give, to share, to learn, to effect change, to impact for the glorious kingdom of GOD and His good pleasure. Mark 16:15 - KJV, ". . . Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."  It says to go ye into ALL THE WORLD -- not church buildings . . .  Christ dwellers are to share about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of GOD who rose from the dead -- in the flesh.  GOD doesn't command that we park ourselves in church buildings . . .  Such caters to man and the flesh -- NOT GOD . . .          

We read in scripture how Jesus and His apostles and followers ministered.  Examples are that Jesus ministered in boats, in the garden, at the well, in houses, on mountains, as he fed folks bread and fish -- and yes we do read that He did minister in temples, too.  My MAIN point is that Jesus and His followers didn't park themselves in buildings . . . They were out and about.  And His disciples ministered in jail and the prisoners heard them. These days we have telephones and the Internet; much ministering is going on from those  resources.

GOD is 24/7 -- Jesus is 24/7 -- the Holy Ghost is 24/7 -- the Bible is available 24/7. Why put dependence on a joint that has closing hours? Why put dependence on resources when the SOURCE and faithful Creator is ALWAYS in SERVICE?


Note: I'm NOT urging folks to leave church building attendance.  What I am urging is that folks, in earnest, seek truths.  If GOD isn't calling you out of  church building attendance then of course, you need to stay.  Increasingly, GOD IS calling His people out of church building attendance.  Search the scriptures and understand how Jesus and His followers did when He was here in the flesh and when He returned to be seated with Father GOD. How much in the scriptures uphold the practice of church building attendance?  You may be surprised to learn that it is NOT much in scripture.

Also, a good idea is to gain understanding through the use of Hebrew and Greek Interlinear Bibles.  They are available online as free resources.  The ones that I use are found on the website 
Learning the Hebrew and Greek translations helps considerably for better understanding of scripture content.

Here's a link to an excellent article about Bibles that were issued before the 1611 King James Bible.

Here's a link to an excellent article that helps in understanding the scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16 - KJV, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"