Scriptures are from the King James Holy Bible.
- Bibliolatry (from the Greek, biblion, "book," + latria, "worship") is the practice, within Christianity, of worshipping the Bible in the place of God. - Source:
are folks who believe that the Holy Bible is infallible -- incapable of being
wrong. Is that a false teaching?
I present that I read Acts 13:33 in three Bibles, two of which were published BEFORE the 1611 King James Bible. Those two are the Tyndale (about 1534) and the Geneva (1560) Bibles. Note that the English used in the older versions is different than the English used in the King James Bibles that we’re most familiar with -- so I’m NOT misspelling when I express what’s written in the Tyndale, Geneva and 1611 King James Bibles.
Acts 13:33 - KJV -- Capitalizations mine
From the Tyndale Bible:
God hath fulfilled unto us their chyldre in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne eve as it is written in the FYRSTE PSALME: Thou arte my sonne this same daye begat I the.
From the Geneva Bible:
God hath fulfilled it vnto vs their children, in that he raised vp Iesus, euen as it is written in the SECONDE PSALME, . . .
King James 1611:
God hath fulfilled the same vnto vs their children, in that he hath raised vp Iesus againe, as I is also written in the SECOND PSALM: . . .
The subject information is actually in the SECOND PSALM yet the Tyndale Bible indicates that the subject information is in the FIRST PSALM.
Does that not debunk the beliefs that Holy Bible content is infallible -- incapable of being wrong?
Note: For those who don’t have Tyndale and Geneva Bibles . . . , content from them can be found online.
Update: The matter of the FIRST and SECOND Psalms mentioned above could be a matter of how the scriptures were placed in the particular Bibles. The placement order could account for how that occurred.
Another example:
From the King James Bible (not the 1611 version) - Capitalizations mine:
In the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we read the account about the unclean spirits leaving and entering the swine. Well, Matthew says that it was TWO MEN out of the tombs. Mark and Luke say that it was ONE MAN.
Matthew 8:28
. . . there met him TWO possessed with devils,
coming OUT OF THE TOMBS, . . .I present that I read Acts 13:33 in three Bibles, two of which were published BEFORE the 1611 King James Bible. Those two are the Tyndale (about 1534) and the Geneva (1560) Bibles. Note that the English used in the older versions is different than the English used in the King James Bibles that we’re most familiar with -- so I’m NOT misspelling when I express what’s written in the Tyndale, Geneva and 1611 King James Bibles.
Acts 13:33 - KJV -- Capitalizations mine
From the Tyndale Bible:
God hath fulfilled unto us their chyldre in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne eve as it is written in the FYRSTE PSALME: Thou arte my sonne this same daye begat I the.
From the Geneva Bible:
God hath fulfilled it vnto vs their children, in that he raised vp Iesus, euen as it is written in the SECONDE PSALME, . . .
King James 1611:
God hath fulfilled the same vnto vs their children, in that he hath raised vp Iesus againe, as I is also written in the SECOND PSALM: . . .
The subject information is actually in the SECOND PSALM yet the Tyndale Bible indicates that the subject information is in the FIRST PSALM.
Does that not debunk the beliefs that Holy Bible content is infallible -- incapable of being wrong?
Note: For those who don’t have Tyndale and Geneva Bibles . . . , content from them can be found online.
Update: The matter of the FIRST and SECOND Psalms mentioned above could be a matter of how the scriptures were placed in the particular Bibles. The placement order could account for how that occurred.
Another example:
From the King James Bible (not the 1611 version) - Capitalizations mine:
In the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we read the account about the unclean spirits leaving and entering the swine. Well, Matthew says that it was TWO MEN out of the tombs. Mark and Luke say that it was ONE MAN.
Matthew 8:28
Matthew 8:32
. . . and when they were come out, they went INTO THE HERD OF SWINE: . . .
Mark 5:2
. . . immediately there met him out of the tombs, A MAN with an unclean spirit,
Mark 5:13
. . . and the unclean spirits went out, and ENTERED INTO THE SWINE.
Luke 8:27
And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain MAN, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but IN THE TOMBS.
Luke 8:33
Then went the devils out of THE MAN, and ENTERED INTO THE SWINE: . . .
The Pharisees knew the holy scriptures but they didn't KNOW the Lord. There are present day folks who know the holy scriptures but don't KNOW the Lord. Jesus Christ is the Word. In the beginning was the Word -- NOT in the beginning was the Holy Bible. In the beginning, there was NO Holy Bible. Revelation 19:13 says about Jesus, ". . . his name is called the Word of God."
I read that it was stated that we need to learn the difference in religion and Life. 1 John 1:1 names Jesus as the Word of life.
2 Corinthians 3:6
. . . for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
Holy Bible usage WITHOUT the Word of Life, Christ -- is bibliolatry -- idolatry of the Bible.
The Pharisees and that type were/are in the realm of impure religion. James 1:27 mentions PURE religion.
I recently learned more . . . that often, Holy Bible content can be taken out of context. Two articles, in particular, convinced me... Here are the links to click on:
Update: Today, Tuesday February 25, 2014, I found more links.,%20TERRI%20L/CAN%20THE%20BIBLE%20BECOME%20AN%20IDOL%20%5BTerri%20L.%20White%5D%203-22-02.pdf
Update -- Tuesday July 8, 2014, I learned of another article. It is titled, Biblioidolatry. Here's the link
Below is a helpful very brief video.
If you're inclined, please read the next topic here right below this one.
The portion below titled, "GOD Knows..." is a re-post; it was originally posted on my other blog on January 28, 2014. Today I transferred it twice to this blog - here and elsewhere, but in the elsewhere place, the top portions, with links...isn't included.
GOD Knows Who Is Religious and Who Is Authentically Saved
There's nothing going on that's NOT on GOD's radar. With GOD, ALL things are possible. NOTHING is impossible with GOD. GOD can move fast, slow or however HE DEEMS fit to do what He decides for HIS GOOD PLEASURE and for the gospel of HIS KINGDOM.
GOD is forever MOST HIGH. And only Jesus is the resurrection, the way, the truth and the life who rose from the dead in the flesh. No one can come to the Father GOD but by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Author of salvation, the first begotten of the dead, the Word that became flesh, the Author and the Finisher of our Faith, the Captain of our salvation and more...
GOD reigns.
People doubt and some doubts are in order...
Does GOD know that you're an AUTHENTIC Christian? Does GOD know that our SALVATION is authentic? Does Jesus KNOW that He is authentically in our testimonies and in the lives that we live with SINCERE purpose to perfect holiness - 2 Corinthians 7:1? Are our authentic born-again experiences PROVEN TO GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT? When GOD has His proof..., UNLESS HE INSTRUCTS US otherwise, we're NOT obligated to prove our authentic born-again experiences to others... Certainly, it's helpful to share but there's a difference in sharing and believing that there's an obligation to prove... Let GOD LEAD as to how much to share and explain...
Yes, we should exhibit and demonstrate godly fruits and evidence that we walk in truth. But when all is said and done, ONLY GOD knows the fulness of every heart. And truly, GOD to the FULLEST extent, knows who is authentically saved and who is not.
So, yes, we FIRST need to have a lifestyle of ministering to our Lord. Only then are we fit to minister to others. Jesus teaches us to share the gospel. He also tells us to judge RIGHTEOUSLY... We plant and we water but GOD gives the increases within people...
Yes, we are to examine ourselves and to work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling. Yes, we are to seek advice from and to learn from others. But perspective is key. ONLY GOD IS THE SOURCE - ALL else is resource. Yes, GOD uses resources but certainly resources CANNOT substitute for GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT.
GOD IS THE MOST HIGH - THE ONLY SOURCE. Resources are certainly to be appreciated - we need both - SOURCE and resources.
Again, with GOD, all things are possible and NOTHING is impossible with GOD. He does whatsoever He pleases...when, how, what, who...
Religious people, priests and elders..., crucified Jesus. They likely thought that they were saved. Also, there are numerous people who attend church who ignorantly believe that they're saved. Rather, they are bound by doctrines of devils, and traditions and commandments of men. They don't dwell in GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT. And they don't worship GOD in spirit and in truth, as is shown in the Holy Bible.
If you have any doubts as to whether your born again experience is authentic, sincerely seek GOD about it and He will reveal. Don't base your experiences, necessarily, on the experiences of others. GOD can move fast, slow or however He deems fit for each individual. We're all unique. GOD knows that and deals with us, accordingly. Note: Yes, we body-of- Christ members have commonalities but we need to be mindful of our unique aspects...and NOT seek to be like anyone other than who GOD has uniquely created us to be...
The truth is that we all have areas of ignorance. It's a good practice to ask GOD to expose areas of untruths to us and areas of error so that we can learn how to dispossess what isn't of GOD and to embrace what is of Him - and HIS GOOD PLEASURE.
Jesus said in John 6:44 - KJV, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:..."
2 Timothy 2:19 - KJV
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
Dishonesty can sure kill testimonies. When dishonesty has been discovered, it can affect testimonies and it can affect/damage and even destroy credibility. And dishonesty sure isn't one of GOD's fruits - and truly, when He deems fit, He judges it, and ALL else that's contrary to His will. The remedy: Be honest and credible...and when NOT, seek forgiveness and cease dishonesty and all else that displeases GOD.
Sunday January 26, 2014
Note: Here's the link if you're inclined to view the ENTIRETY of this blog