Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Transition Treasures

Hi - 

For about four months, I’ve been on a journey to become more aware of what pleases GOD.  My journey has had twists and turns and some of it has been unsettling.  We all go through processes to live, learn and to amend where PROVEN necessary.

Well, in spite of the uncertainties, this journey has proved fruitful.  There is much more to learn and to understand but now I’m in a more settled place in my spirit. For the first time in months, I believe that I have my spiritual legs planted on more solid ground.  It did get wobbly for a season, y’all.  But thanks be to the Lord and His guidance, I’m better for the journey.

A few things that were REINFORCED for me in this most recent process:

-  A more acute awareness that ONLY GOD is the Most High.

- People can be helpful but the Word of GOD teaches in 1 Corinthians 2:5 - KJV, “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

-  Steadfastly doing truth is freedom.

-  We’re NOT cookie cutter folks -- but uniquely different.  We shouldn’t aspire to be like anyone but the individuals that our Creator uniquely created us to be.

- I yearn to better know my unique purpose and to learn how to do it in ways that are holy.

- I don’t walk on water but I ain’t drowning either.

I’m so delighted that I woke up this morning with thanksgiving to the Lord strongly in my spirit. And then I went on Juanita’s Facebook timeline and read a post that so encouraged me that tears traveled down my face.  Thank you, Juanita.  ONLY GOD knows what your words accomplished within me!

And in the midst of my most recent journey -- a hearty love shout out and thank you to my sister girls, Yolanda, Beverly, Lena, Angela, Anita, Diane, Wenona, Tamara, Leona, Phyllis, Donise, and Marijo.  Y’all did/do love in motion and it was/is felt in the wind of my journey.  And my brother, Rick -- love you, man! 
Others helped as well with love and teaching . . . Thank you. 
Shout out to my long-time sister girl, Elwarna -- thick love from way back for us . . . Oh yeah.  Cookie, Sister, Larry, Nathan and Toni -- y'all know that our love is in residence.  Thick in the mix -- yep, that's us. 

Love pours to my blood family.  When you knock on our doors, kittens don't answer -- lions do . . . I've learned to temper my roars but I do remember how to put the lion in formation . . . 


Last year, I wrote the content below for someone else, but realized this morning that it now applies to me . . .

Truly, you’re in new motion mode.

Fresh plans to make
Uncharted steps to take
Better claims to stake
No room for fake
Moving foolishness
out of your wake
Surely, transition treasures 
are in the bake . . .


Sunday  March 23, 2014

If you're inclined, please continue to read my post titled, "Love As a Signature Style" - here's the link


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