Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Saturday, March 22, 2014

To Everything - There Is a Season

Photo - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks
Hi - 

This is lengthy so for those who aren’t inclined to read it in its entirety, I’ve highlighted key points.

This is the last in-depth statement that I will make about this matter.  This piece will be posted publicly, Facebook being one of those places.  Since that is the case, I’ll NOT use real names in this message. This primarily concerns me and who I’ll call Louise. 

One reason that I’ve chosen to publicly post this is my desire that Louise cease e-mailing me as I’ve requested of her, I believe, more than once . . .  I don’t read her e-mails anymore so it’s in her best interest to cease to send them to me.

This message is being posted on my blog for Louise or whoever else may be inclined to read it.

For me, this also represents a clean slate.  


Pure love cannot flow in dishonesty and illegality.

Numbers 32:23 - KJV
But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.


Is it ever reasonable to answer those who have falsely labeled you and slandered you with lies?  My belief is that to everything there is a season.  I use this season to answer.

I have, in my possession, VERIFIABLE AND WRITTEN documentation that goes back more than thirty years that attests to my honesty, integrity and credibility.  Said verifiable documentation comes from the former Mayor of Washington, D.C., managers, citizens, etc. 

One person wrote this about me:

"…I don’t recall meeting anyone who is as diligent and faithful to her word and work as Sandra. She is truly a woman of great integrity." Angela Rogers Ray, Publisher

That being said, I don’t lightly esteem that some profess-to-be Christians have slandered me by going on a blog etc. and calling me fake and phony, among other disparaging things.  Again, I have plenty verifiable and written proofs that those are lies.

Yes, I’m a flawed individual (aren’t we all) who has much to learn.  But we need to call a spade a spade . . .  And certainly calling other people fake and phony while in the midst of dishonesty and illegality sure ain’t GOD’s way. And lying about me won’t give you a legit escape.


Louise has posted similar to this on her blog . . .:

Luke 6:42 - KJV
Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.


In a nutshell, this matter escalated yesterday, March 21, 2014, in development via a Facebook inbox exchange between me and Louise.  Among other things, yesterday, Louise expressed to me via FB inbox that the devil sent me to her blog membership.

I didn’t respond to that comment yesterday but today I learned that the Lord sent me there to learn of the dishonesty and the illegal copyrighting practices, among other things.  It certainly wasn’t happenstance that I was able to discover today and yesterday what Louise had placed on her private blog about me - the lies and name calling, etc.  It was meant for me to know and to respond.

Also, the Lord sent me there to learn of the cultish climate.  I was there about four months and other members VERY RARELY, on the blog, disagreed with Louise even when it was EVIDENT that she was wrong.  They didn’t challenge her even after I alerted her, on the blog, about a week ago relative to the copyright violations that she was doing.  I was the only one, with RARE exception that questioned and challenged Louise.  And when I did, for the most part, she abrasively addressed me about it.  It didn’t matter that I was respectful and reasonable when I disagreed with Louise.  Usually, she replied to such with abrasiveness.

It readily comes to mind that RECENTLY Louise lied on me TWICE on the same day to two people.  Evidence of it is on her blog and in my FB inbox.  I mentioned the matter on her blog and she NEVER owned up to it with me nor did she apologize. 

Yes, I was/am wrong sometimes and like us all, I’m a work in progress.  One of my issues with Louise was that even when she was PROVEN wrong she justified it and I NEVER got an apology.

And yes, I’m grateful for the valuable truths that were shared.  Helpful messages benefited more than a little. 

Anyhow, back to our Facebook inbox exchange yesterday -- The matter got heated - one thing led to another - Louise requested that I remove references to her from my blog.  I agreed to do so.  I have eagerly shared on Facebook and on my blog about Louise's work, books, etc. Today, in particular, it hit me that in view of what I’ve recently learned about Louise’s practices, I’m pleased to have her references removed from my blog, etc.  I was particularly sure that I shouldn’t be referencing her when I got on her blog today and saw that she’d done YET ANOTHER copyright violation when she posted the ENTIRE content of my e-mail on her blog!    

Also, yesterday Louise expressed this to me via FB inbox:

 "O h I am harping??? Don't let my nigger come down on yo ass, Gurl!"

I responded, “You can come with anything you want, Louise.  I ain't scared of you. I've got some of that in me, too - KNOWING how to come down on ass.


One thing led to another and I requested that Louise remove me from her private blog group.  I blocked her from my Facebook page.


Later yesterday, March 21, 2014, my blog stat tool alerted me that Louise had posted this title message on her private blog, “
SANDRA IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!” 

I didn’t appreciate how Louise did that with the NUMEROUS exclamations points after her title relative to my departure.  And I wasn’t sure if she’d been honest to inform the members that I’d requested to be removed from her private blog.

I KNOW of at least several times that Louise has been dishonest and also repeatedly done copyright infringement, which is dishonest AND illegal.  About a week ago, I’d informed Louise that she was engaged in copyright infringement and sent her relative links that gave further information about it.

Since I’d requested to be removed from Louise’s private blog, I responded, on my public blog,  to her, “Sandra IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!” title post.

Anyhow, subsequently, Louise sent me an e-mail.  We did a few more e-mail exchanges; I asked her NOT to send me anymore e-mails and that if she did when I saw her name on the title line, I would NOT read her e-mails.  She sent me another one anyhow, which I did NOT read - and another one after that, which I did NOT read.

Well, lo and behold, today, I got an e-mail alert that a new post was entered on Louise’s private blog.  I wondered why I’d been alerted since I’d requested yesterday to be removed.  Anyhow, I went on the site and noticed about 69 comments entered relative to my departure.  One person called me a creep.  Another one, a school teacher, called me fake and mentioned that she has her eye on me . . .   I didn’t bother to read the numerous comments; I scanned and read a few.

Louise discovered that I was on her blog commenting; she expressed something like why was I on there and did I notice what the people on there were saying about me?

I made sure to copy and paste what I was commenting on Louise’s blog.  So I’m able to copy the subject comments here.   I copied and pasted all of my comments from there but only a few here.

Here is my response that I posted on her blog:

Louise, I glanced and HAVE NO INTENTION OF FULLY READING the comments on here.   

People saying whatever about me is of zero value when they sit on here NOT speaking out against your dishonesty and illegal copyrighting practices.

I’d be a fool to read what such folks are saying about me when they’re on board with dishonest and illegal actions.

They need to be saying something about you and your actions that don’t represent integrity – while you have a post on here titled, “Integrity Defined.” How do you define it, Louise? With continued dishonest actions?

Days ago, I wasn’t sure if you knew about the copyright infringement matter and when I informed you – I come on here and you’re STILL at it. You copied my ENTIRE e-mail on here KNOWING THAT IT’S COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

And after me discovering that – in addition to you coming on here lying and saying that I refused all offers of gifts when I DID NOT express that when I FB inboxed you. But you came on here and lied TWICE in reply to Dana and Millie – that I’d refused gift offers. 

Yes, after discovering that, among other things . . . you’re suspect, Louise.


And the kicker was that I discovered that Louise had posted, on her private blog, my ENTIRE e-mail content that I’d sent her at her e-mail address yesterday - more copyright infringement from her hands.  That is INDEED foul.

I was surprised to learn that I had access to still comment on the private blog.  So comment I did with more than a few statements one of which expressed:
Borderline cult . . .

Yes, people . . . NOT speaking up against someone who is dishonest and doing illegal actions . . .


Anyhow, I end this lengthy piece here with this -- we’re all right sometimes and we’re all wrong sometimes.  It’s in our best interest to own our stuff, examine ourselves, make amends and remember that without love, we are nothing.


this is the last in-depth statement that I will make about this matter.  And relative to Louise, I HAVE NOTHING FURTHER to express to her about the subject matter.

In sincerity,
S. R. Hicks   

Saturday March 22, 2014