Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New e-Book Announcement - "Love as a Signature Style"

Available now on Amazon, Apple, 
Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords

Book Cover Photo - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks 

Hi - 

My recent change formation compelled me to write another compilation e-Book.  I venture to express that this may be my favorite one.  Why?  Because I wrote it from a new place of knowledge and wisdom. Four pieces were written yesterday before I completed the book and loaded it online.  The other pieces are ones that I wrote and that were extracted from one of my blogs.  

Here's an excerpt from the book:


This is the real.  Forget about the “luxury” of privacy.  Wholly, it no longer exists.  Sure, there are pockets of it, but the days of large scale privacy are over.  I’m NOT inclined to do anything that I’m NOT aware that someone will see, hear or know about it.  That’s the nature of the beast in our present society.  Imma tell you -- in public, I’ve worn a dress or a skirt, and my slip rode up.  Knowing full well that someone would likely see me, I went up and pulled my slip down to correct placement.  Whoever -- saw what they saw -- oh well.  What I did wasn’t indecent in action.  As far as I was concerned, it needed to be done so I did it.  Perspective is to be considered in what we think, say and do.

All of those online postings of suggestive positions and scantily attired folks -- it isn’t sensible.  Young people do a lot of it.  All of them aren’t aware of the consequences of such exposure.  It has and can hurt people in the work world and elsewhere.  Employers, potential and otherwise, view social network sites.  They base, to some extent, hiring and retention decisions on what they see and read on those sites.  People have been fired for what has been learned about them online.  Overall, discretion needs to come more into play relative to what is revealed.

Workplace conduct needs to be addressed more.  Be mindful of what’s shared with folks in workplaces.  It’s fact that what you say can be held against you now or later.  You have no idea how folks can use, in their favor, information that you’ve shared.  Some folks may be your friends at some point but later that won’t be the case.  The friendships may end but the information that you shared is out there for folks to use however they deem fit.  Zipped lips can prevent unpleasant consequences.  That applies at work and in other environments, too.

We all need people who we can sufficiently trust to confide in but I’d be very cautious to do it in workplaces.  The fewer confidants, likely, the better.  The Most High GOD is the only one who can be FULLY trusted.

Yes, we can be approachable, caring and kind but spilling our guts to just anybody doesn’t make sense. Remember -- trust should be proven. And don’t worry if you’ve already blabbed too much.  A lot of us have done the same.  Going forward, remember . . .

Something good to do is to keep records; paper trails can prove quite beneficial.  I can’t recall the times that folks have told me something relative to our engagement and I had the documentation to prove otherwise.  I’ve long kept records and they go back years.  Yep, record keeping does come in helpful and handy.  When doing business on the phone I notate names and dates, etc.  Yes, be up on paper trails and record keeping.  It could save your -- you know what.

Written March 24, 2014 - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

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