Freedom Journey

This blog was created on Saturday March 22, 2014, and is geared to folks whose steadfast aim is freedom through learning, teaching and DOING truth. Incorrect beliefs can prevent constructive forward motions. We cannot afford to allow ignorance, pride and stubbornness to keep us deceived.

Refuse to be prisoners of your perceptions. Cast away nonsense traditions. Freedom resides in authentic and proven truths.

REAL truth is freedom!

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital to seek the Lord to expose errors. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness and for what is necessary to DO to dispossess what's NOT of truth.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New e-Book Announcement - "Love as a Signature Style"

Available now on Amazon, Apple, 
Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords

Book Cover Photo - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks 

Hi - 

My recent change formation compelled me to write another compilation e-Book.  I venture to express that this may be my favorite one.  Why?  Because I wrote it from a new place of knowledge and wisdom. Four pieces were written yesterday before I completed the book and loaded it online.  The other pieces are ones that I wrote and that were extracted from one of my blogs.  

Here's an excerpt from the book:


This is the real.  Forget about the “luxury” of privacy.  Wholly, it no longer exists.  Sure, there are pockets of it, but the days of large scale privacy are over.  I’m NOT inclined to do anything that I’m NOT aware that someone will see, hear or know about it.  That’s the nature of the beast in our present society.  Imma tell you -- in public, I’ve worn a dress or a skirt, and my slip rode up.  Knowing full well that someone would likely see me, I went up and pulled my slip down to correct placement.  Whoever -- saw what they saw -- oh well.  What I did wasn’t indecent in action.  As far as I was concerned, it needed to be done so I did it.  Perspective is to be considered in what we think, say and do.

All of those online postings of suggestive positions and scantily attired folks -- it isn’t sensible.  Young people do a lot of it.  All of them aren’t aware of the consequences of such exposure.  It has and can hurt people in the work world and elsewhere.  Employers, potential and otherwise, view social network sites.  They base, to some extent, hiring and retention decisions on what they see and read on those sites.  People have been fired for what has been learned about them online.  Overall, discretion needs to come more into play relative to what is revealed.

Workplace conduct needs to be addressed more.  Be mindful of what’s shared with folks in workplaces.  It’s fact that what you say can be held against you now or later.  You have no idea how folks can use, in their favor, information that you’ve shared.  Some folks may be your friends at some point but later that won’t be the case.  The friendships may end but the information that you shared is out there for folks to use however they deem fit.  Zipped lips can prevent unpleasant consequences.  That applies at work and in other environments, too.

We all need people who we can sufficiently trust to confide in but I’d be very cautious to do it in workplaces.  The fewer confidants, likely, the better.  The Most High GOD is the only one who can be FULLY trusted.

Yes, we can be approachable, caring and kind but spilling our guts to just anybody doesn’t make sense. Remember -- trust should be proven. And don’t worry if you’ve already blabbed too much.  A lot of us have done the same.  Going forward, remember . . .

Something good to do is to keep records; paper trails can prove quite beneficial.  I can’t recall the times that folks have told me something relative to our engagement and I had the documentation to prove otherwise.  I’ve long kept records and they go back years.  Yep, record keeping does come in helpful and handy.  When doing business on the phone I notate names and dates, etc.  Yes, be up on paper trails and record keeping.  It could save your -- you know what.

Written March 24, 2014 - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Transition Treasures

Hi - 

For about four months, I’ve been on a journey to become more aware of what pleases GOD.  My journey has had twists and turns and some of it has been unsettling.  We all go through processes to live, learn and to amend where PROVEN necessary.

Well, in spite of the uncertainties, this journey has proved fruitful.  There is much more to learn and to understand but now I’m in a more settled place in my spirit. For the first time in months, I believe that I have my spiritual legs planted on more solid ground.  It did get wobbly for a season, y’all.  But thanks be to the Lord and His guidance, I’m better for the journey.

A few things that were REINFORCED for me in this most recent process:

-  A more acute awareness that ONLY GOD is the Most High.

- People can be helpful but the Word of GOD teaches in 1 Corinthians 2:5 - KJV, “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

-  Steadfastly doing truth is freedom.

-  We’re NOT cookie cutter folks -- but uniquely different.  We shouldn’t aspire to be like anyone but the individuals that our Creator uniquely created us to be.

- I yearn to better know my unique purpose and to learn how to do it in ways that are holy.

- I don’t walk on water but I ain’t drowning either.

I’m so delighted that I woke up this morning with thanksgiving to the Lord strongly in my spirit. And then I went on Juanita’s Facebook timeline and read a post that so encouraged me that tears traveled down my face.  Thank you, Juanita.  ONLY GOD knows what your words accomplished within me!

And in the midst of my most recent journey -- a hearty love shout out and thank you to my sister girls, Yolanda, Beverly, Lena, Angela, Anita, Diane, Wenona, Tamara, Leona, Phyllis, Donise, and Marijo.  Y’all did/do love in motion and it was/is felt in the wind of my journey.  And my brother, Rick -- love you, man! 
Others helped as well with love and teaching . . . Thank you. 
Shout out to my long-time sister girl, Elwarna -- thick love from way back for us . . . Oh yeah.  Cookie, Sister, Larry, Nathan and Toni -- y'all know that our love is in residence.  Thick in the mix -- yep, that's us. 

Love pours to my blood family.  When you knock on our doors, kittens don't answer -- lions do . . . I've learned to temper my roars but I do remember how to put the lion in formation . . . 


Last year, I wrote the content below for someone else, but realized this morning that it now applies to me . . .

Truly, you’re in new motion mode.

Fresh plans to make
Uncharted steps to take
Better claims to stake
No room for fake
Moving foolishness
out of your wake
Surely, transition treasures 
are in the bake . . .


Sunday  March 23, 2014

If you're inclined, please continue to read my post titled, "Love As a Signature Style" - here's the link


The link to this ENTIRE blog is  

Love As a Signature Style

Photo - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks
Hi -

That’s the aim of Christ dwelling folks -- to have love as a signature style. We desire to steadfastly pursue the ways of PURE love - how to best do it in concert with wisdom and sensitivity. Love has no equal. It has power that we finite humans cannot fully comprehend. PURE love is the best and NOTHING compares to its application.

Yes, there are times that love needs to be tough and firm in presentation. There are so many facets to the love groove. Words don’t exist to sufficiently tell about the place of love. It is flame in hearts, juice for thirsty souls, food for hungry minds, and balm for wounded spirits. Yes, it is love in all of its glory.

PURE love can’t effectively flow when we block the chambers of its pulse. We need to allow free flow by forsaking what stops up the movements of love in pure form. Self-righteousness, ego-tripping, misplaced priorities, selfishness, dishonesty - all contribute to the prevention of PURE love flow.

The sweet taste of love is soul satisfying, rejuvenating, precious, and beyond compare. Breathe in the splendor of PURE love. Allow floods of it to spread so that others can catch the lusciousness of its beauty.

Ah! PURE love -- ain’t NOTHING like it!

I’m putting my signature on the dotted line of love. Yes, flaws and all, my steadfast aim is to have love as my signature style. Who else is on this love boat with me, y'all?

Sunday March 23, 2014


Note: Here's the link to view this ENTIRE blog

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Strong Holds of Ignorance

Hi -

How many times have we been prisoners of our perceptions? How many times have we “dug in our heels” and refused to budge from our “solid” stands? And how many times have we been wrong?

Yes, it can sure be reasonable to hold firm to truth. That’s a certain winning posture. But what about when we fight against truth because we refuse to admit that we are indeed wrong? We can allow pride, ignorance, and the traditions of men to block our forward progress.

We all have areas of ignorance. That’s why it’s vital to seek the Lord for Him to reveal areas of error and darkness. But we must be willing to alter our spiritual landscapes when evidence reveals that we are in error.

It grieves the Lord when we stubbornly cleave to what has PROVEN to be wrong. God has said in Hosea 4:6 - KJV, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…”

Many people know some about false prophets but we don’t hear or read much about FALSE Christs. Mark 13:22 - KJV says, “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.”


We need to beware of the strong holds of ignorance.


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To Everything - There Is a Season

Photo - Copyright 2014 - S. Hicks
Hi - 

This is lengthy so for those who aren’t inclined to read it in its entirety, I’ve highlighted key points.

This is the last in-depth statement that I will make about this matter.  This piece will be posted publicly, Facebook being one of those places.  Since that is the case, I’ll NOT use real names in this message. This primarily concerns me and who I’ll call Louise. 

One reason that I’ve chosen to publicly post this is my desire that Louise cease e-mailing me as I’ve requested of her, I believe, more than once . . .  I don’t read her e-mails anymore so it’s in her best interest to cease to send them to me.

This message is being posted on my blog for Louise or whoever else may be inclined to read it.

For me, this also represents a clean slate.  


Pure love cannot flow in dishonesty and illegality.

Numbers 32:23 - KJV
But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.


Is it ever reasonable to answer those who have falsely labeled you and slandered you with lies?  My belief is that to everything there is a season.  I use this season to answer.

I have, in my possession, VERIFIABLE AND WRITTEN documentation that goes back more than thirty years that attests to my honesty, integrity and credibility.  Said verifiable documentation comes from the former Mayor of Washington, D.C., managers, citizens, etc. 

One person wrote this about me:

"…I don’t recall meeting anyone who is as diligent and faithful to her word and work as Sandra. She is truly a woman of great integrity." Angela Rogers Ray, Publisher

That being said, I don’t lightly esteem that some profess-to-be Christians have slandered me by going on a blog etc. and calling me fake and phony, among other disparaging things.  Again, I have plenty verifiable and written proofs that those are lies.

Yes, I’m a flawed individual (aren’t we all) who has much to learn.  But we need to call a spade a spade . . .  And certainly calling other people fake and phony while in the midst of dishonesty and illegality sure ain’t GOD’s way. And lying about me won’t give you a legit escape.


Louise has posted similar to this on her blog . . .:

Luke 6:42 - KJV
Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.


In a nutshell, this matter escalated yesterday, March 21, 2014, in development via a Facebook inbox exchange between me and Louise.  Among other things, yesterday, Louise expressed to me via FB inbox that the devil sent me to her blog membership.

I didn’t respond to that comment yesterday but today I learned that the Lord sent me there to learn of the dishonesty and the illegal copyrighting practices, among other things.  It certainly wasn’t happenstance that I was able to discover today and yesterday what Louise had placed on her private blog about me - the lies and name calling, etc.  It was meant for me to know and to respond.

Also, the Lord sent me there to learn of the cultish climate.  I was there about four months and other members VERY RARELY, on the blog, disagreed with Louise even when it was EVIDENT that she was wrong.  They didn’t challenge her even after I alerted her, on the blog, about a week ago relative to the copyright violations that she was doing.  I was the only one, with RARE exception that questioned and challenged Louise.  And when I did, for the most part, she abrasively addressed me about it.  It didn’t matter that I was respectful and reasonable when I disagreed with Louise.  Usually, she replied to such with abrasiveness.

It readily comes to mind that RECENTLY Louise lied on me TWICE on the same day to two people.  Evidence of it is on her blog and in my FB inbox.  I mentioned the matter on her blog and she NEVER owned up to it with me nor did she apologize. 

Yes, I was/am wrong sometimes and like us all, I’m a work in progress.  One of my issues with Louise was that even when she was PROVEN wrong she justified it and I NEVER got an apology.

And yes, I’m grateful for the valuable truths that were shared.  Helpful messages benefited more than a little. 

Anyhow, back to our Facebook inbox exchange yesterday -- The matter got heated - one thing led to another - Louise requested that I remove references to her from my blog.  I agreed to do so.  I have eagerly shared on Facebook and on my blog about Louise's work, books, etc. Today, in particular, it hit me that in view of what I’ve recently learned about Louise’s practices, I’m pleased to have her references removed from my blog, etc.  I was particularly sure that I shouldn’t be referencing her when I got on her blog today and saw that she’d done YET ANOTHER copyright violation when she posted the ENTIRE content of my e-mail on her blog!    

Also, yesterday Louise expressed this to me via FB inbox:

 "O h I am harping??? Don't let my nigger come down on yo ass, Gurl!"

I responded, “You can come with anything you want, Louise.  I ain't scared of you. I've got some of that in me, too - KNOWING how to come down on ass.


One thing led to another and I requested that Louise remove me from her private blog group.  I blocked her from my Facebook page.


Later yesterday, March 21, 2014, my blog stat tool alerted me that Louise had posted this title message on her private blog, “
SANDRA IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!” 

I didn’t appreciate how Louise did that with the NUMEROUS exclamations points after her title relative to my departure.  And I wasn’t sure if she’d been honest to inform the members that I’d requested to be removed from her private blog.

I KNOW of at least several times that Louise has been dishonest and also repeatedly done copyright infringement, which is dishonest AND illegal.  About a week ago, I’d informed Louise that she was engaged in copyright infringement and sent her relative links that gave further information about it.

Since I’d requested to be removed from Louise’s private blog, I responded, on my public blog,  to her, “Sandra IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!” title post.

Anyhow, subsequently, Louise sent me an e-mail.  We did a few more e-mail exchanges; I asked her NOT to send me anymore e-mails and that if she did when I saw her name on the title line, I would NOT read her e-mails.  She sent me another one anyhow, which I did NOT read - and another one after that, which I did NOT read.

Well, lo and behold, today, I got an e-mail alert that a new post was entered on Louise’s private blog.  I wondered why I’d been alerted since I’d requested yesterday to be removed.  Anyhow, I went on the site and noticed about 69 comments entered relative to my departure.  One person called me a creep.  Another one, a school teacher, called me fake and mentioned that she has her eye on me . . .   I didn’t bother to read the numerous comments; I scanned and read a few.

Louise discovered that I was on her blog commenting; she expressed something like why was I on there and did I notice what the people on there were saying about me?

I made sure to copy and paste what I was commenting on Louise’s blog.  So I’m able to copy the subject comments here.   I copied and pasted all of my comments from there but only a few here.

Here is my response that I posted on her blog:

Louise, I glanced and HAVE NO INTENTION OF FULLY READING the comments on here.   

People saying whatever about me is of zero value when they sit on here NOT speaking out against your dishonesty and illegal copyrighting practices.

I’d be a fool to read what such folks are saying about me when they’re on board with dishonest and illegal actions.

They need to be saying something about you and your actions that don’t represent integrity – while you have a post on here titled, “Integrity Defined.” How do you define it, Louise? With continued dishonest actions?

Days ago, I wasn’t sure if you knew about the copyright infringement matter and when I informed you – I come on here and you’re STILL at it. You copied my ENTIRE e-mail on here KNOWING THAT IT’S COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

And after me discovering that – in addition to you coming on here lying and saying that I refused all offers of gifts when I DID NOT express that when I FB inboxed you. But you came on here and lied TWICE in reply to Dana and Millie – that I’d refused gift offers. 

Yes, after discovering that, among other things . . . you’re suspect, Louise.


And the kicker was that I discovered that Louise had posted, on her private blog, my ENTIRE e-mail content that I’d sent her at her e-mail address yesterday - more copyright infringement from her hands.  That is INDEED foul.

I was surprised to learn that I had access to still comment on the private blog.  So comment I did with more than a few statements one of which expressed:
Borderline cult . . .

Yes, people . . . NOT speaking up against someone who is dishonest and doing illegal actions . . .


Anyhow, I end this lengthy piece here with this -- we’re all right sometimes and we’re all wrong sometimes.  It’s in our best interest to own our stuff, examine ourselves, make amends and remember that without love, we are nothing.


this is the last in-depth statement that I will make about this matter.  And relative to Louise, I HAVE NOTHING FURTHER to express to her about the subject matter.

In sincerity,
S. R. Hicks   

Saturday March 22, 2014


Hi -

Some Christians don’t understand that all dreams don’t come from GOD.  For many years, I wondered about dream content.  I never found any good resources to help me to understand about them.

Well, last year, I met someone, and for the first time, I gained some valuable insight about dreams.

We’ve all had dreams -- some weird -- some violent -- some confusing -- and some that came true, at least in some measures.  I’ve dreamed that my deceased mother is alive and that we’ve been together talking and doing things.  Now I know that she’s NOT here on this earth yet I’ve dreamed that she is physically here and engaged with me.

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Side Eye and Raised Eyebrows

Hi -

I give a side eye and raised eyebrows to anyone, leader or otherwise, who is offended or intimidated by REASONABLE questions.

So if any of y'all are dealing with folks who don't REASONABLY handle being questioned or challenged . . . something is amiss indeed.


When you're wrong and those in your circle typically don't disagree with you, does that make them yes people?  If you're inclined to yes people, do you understand why? Do you understand what is amiss with

being "comfortable" with yes people?   

We're all works in progress and need to examine and to amend where PROVEN necessary. . . 


When Jesus was here in the flesh, He was questioned and challenged and NOT always REASONABLY.  But He answered questions and challenges REASONABLY.  Jesus is still here in Spirit and in truth . . . and He still answers questions and challenges REASONABLY and so should those who TRULY represent Him and His ways . . .  And yes, there are mentions in the Holy Bible such as in John 19:9 - KJV when Jesus gave no answer.  We should follow that practice when reasonable to do so . . .

Now of course, no human has answers to everything . . . but respectful and reasonable handling . . . is in order anyhow . . .    

In sum, secure folks can sensibly handle being REASONABLY questioned and challenged.  Also, secure folks sensibly amend their stances when PROVEN wrong -- and sensibly maintain stances UNLESS PROVEN 

wrong . . .

Of course, only GOD is perfect but purposing to perfect holiness is the Lord's way - 2 Corinthians 7:1 - KJV.


Note: Here's the link if you're inclined to view the ENTIRETY of this blog

The Desires of GOD's Heart

Hi -

Some folks want us to conform to the desires of THEIR hearts rather than conform to the desires of GOD's heart...

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Religion Gone Awry

Hi -

Scriptures are from the King James Holy Bible.

For those who don't believe in devils, they are real. The Holy Bible content proves it . . .

Some people are familiar with witchcraft devils . . . but not many folks are aware that there are religious devils. There's pure religion and then there's impure religion.  Remember that religious folks, priests/elders crucified Jesus. 

I believe that I HAD religious devil INFLUENCE . . . Yes, I believed that I was sincere in the Lord but discovered that I was SINCERELY WRONG about much . . .
Truly, I need to learn a bunch more.  Don't we all?


The following are some signs that people have religious devils or religious devil INFLUENCE:

- Interpret Holy Bible content out of context. 
For more on that, helpful links can be found here

- Claiming to FREQUENTLY hear the audible voice of GOD when, in truth, they're NOT hearing the audible voice of GOD.  (Note: Yes, GOD does speak audibly, but people need to wisely examine and truly learn . . . the audible voice of GOD from the audible voice of the devil).

Remember that some folks who've murdered . . . have claimed that the voice of GOD told them to kill.  Beware of depending on audible voices; it can certainly prove harmful and potentially dangerous.

- Folks who are consistently mean-spirited, prone to unrighteous judging, and whose signature styles are self-righteous dispositions.

- Neglecting family responsibilities for "ministry."

- Unwisely quitting full-time jobs to do "full time ministry."

- Unreasonably giving money to the cause "of the Lord."

- Allowing excessive and long-term abuse "for the Lord".  The Lord is long-suffering, but His long-suffering does have expiration dates -- dates that only He fully knows . . .  We need to steadfastly abide in GOD to

learn/know . . .  

- Folks who, typically, don't hold conversations unless they're peppering their expressions with, "Praise the Lord" or similar --  in excess or quoting scriptures in excess, and out of order/out of context.

- Scriptures quoted on answering machines/voice mail.

- Body jerking believing it's the Holy Ghost.

- Folks doing so-called "holy" dancing.  I watched a video clip where a man dressed in a suit was so-called holy dancing.  During church service, NOT baptismal service, he jumped fully clothed in the baptismal pool, came out wet and dancing some more.  I don't believe that that was holy dancing but rather -- devil or flesh motivated dancing.

When King David danced before the Lord -- 2 Samuel 6:14 - KJV -- I do believe that that was holy dancing.

- Folks hooping when talking/preaching.

- People all out in public, out of order, raising hands, LOUDLY singing gospel songs, LOUDLY praising the Lord -- and other "over the top" conduct.

- Dressing dry and homely "for the Lord."

I didn't indulge in ALL of the above . . .  There's probably more that I haven't expressed here.  Those are just some examples that I thought of readily.

Note: Doing a few of the above . . . may NOT be cause for concern, NECESSARILY, but beware . . . of "over the top" exhibitions.

NOW for SPIRITUAL living:

Jesus says in John 6:44
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: . . .

2 Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his, And let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Romans 8:6 teaches that to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Christ dwelling people have love as a signature style.  And the fruits of the spirit -- Galatians 5 -- are steadfastly manifested in such lives.  Those who worship GOD in spirit and in truth flow with GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  We abide in the Lord.  We aim to keep on the armour of righteousness walking in the Light of world, King Jesus.  We sow to the spirit and aim NOT to yield to the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life.

Living with the Word of Life, Jesus, is the best choice.   Peace multiplied.  Ah! Ain't nothing like walking in 

truth -- for GOD says in 3 John 4, "I  have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Jubilant and grateful praises to the Most High GOD! 


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Judging in Perspective

Hi -

Scriptures are from the King James Holy Bible.

Matthew 7:1 - Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Many people, even bonafide sinners, know that scripture. I’ve heard that passage quoted numerous times. In some instances, we’ve heard it quoted by folks who rebel against godly rebuke. Their aim is to misplace the blame on the ones who God has truly sent to give rebukes as judgment against sinful conduct.

Of course, love is key. It’s certainly wrong to engage in malicious, self-righteous and mean-spirited judging. But judging in perspective is sensible. The Holy Bible has a whole book titled Judges. GOD appointed them.

In the Old and New Testaments, there are accounts of GOD sending His holy messengers to judge. GOD judges righteously and when He sends His holy messengers, they obediently deliver righteous judgment messages. John the Baptist had his head cut off for judging King Herod!

Yes, GOD is love. His love is provided in an assortment of ways. Some folks prefer to perceive GOD as “warm and fuzzy”, issuing out blessings, forgiveness and mercy. Yes, that's indeed GOD. But He’s a full gospel GOD who also issues judgments for evil deeds and sinful lifestyles.

Examples of GOD using His people to judge:

Samuel judged the PRIEST, Eli -- 1 Samuel 3:11-14

Samuel judged KING Saul -- 1 Samuel 13:13

Nathan judged KING David -- 2 Samuel 12:7

Jonathan rebuked his father, Saul, the KING for opposing David.  -- 1 Samuel 19: 4, 5

A man (scripture doesn't name him) came to Eli, the PRIEST and judged him.  -- 1 Samuel 2:27-29

Naaman, the CAPTAIN was corrected by his servants for not being inclined to wash in the Jordan. -- 2 Kings 5:13

Here are some scriptural references that prove that righteous judgment is truth:

Isaiah 61:8 - For I the Lord love judgment, . . . I will direct their work in truth, . . .

Amos 5:15 - Hate the evil, and love he good, and establish judgment in the gate: . . .

Isaiah 59:15 - … and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.

Proverbs 31:9 - Open thy mouth, judge righteously,…

1 Corinthians 2:15 - But he that is spiritual judgeth all things,…

Colossians 3:25 - But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Friday March 7, 2014


Below are three separate posts from Facebook in reference to the touch not mine anointed topic.

I don't know how long Facebook keeps posts in their system.

Note: On the left side bar of this blog is an archive that has listings of other posts on this blog. 

Spiritual Land Mines

Hi -

Spiritual "land mines" are a reality. One question is, how do we reasonably respond to them?

Note: Here's the link if you're inclined to view the ENTIRETY of this blog

The Voice of GOD

Hi -

Are you sure that you're hearing the audible voice of GOD THAT much?  Are you sure that it's NOT the voice of the demonic that speaks to you audibly THAT much?  Or could it be your voice that you're listening to? . . .

Really, if GOD is speaking audibly THAT much - why do we need faith?


I was one who was deceived by believing that GOD was OFTEN speaking to me audibly during the course of EVERY day.  I learned that that wasn't GOD's audible voice THAT often...

I may add more to this post later.


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Tithes for the Stranger, the Fatherless, and the Widow?

Hi -

Scriptures are from the King James Holy Bible.

What's the cost of holding onto long held beliefs that are wrong?


The popular and long taught message about tithing is in ERROR. Some folks who teach it are unaware that it's error; other folks who teach it ARE AWARE that it's false teaching, but they choose to teach it anyhow.

I was one of the folks who was unaware of the error until the Lord saw fit to teach me the truths about the money tithing matter.


Okay, a lot of ministers, pastors, etc. tout the tithing practice using the OLD TESTAMENT scripture Malachi 3:10, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,..."


Well, recently, I found this OLD TESTAMENT scripture from Deuteronomy 26:12 (I added the CAPS and bold for emphasis):

"When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the THIRD year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, THE STRANGER, THE FATHERLESS,
AND THE WIDOW, that THEY may eat within thy gates, and be filled;"


Does anyone on here know of any ministers, pastors, etc. who are doing the THIRD year giving tithes, that they (pastors, ministers...) so faithfully believe in, to the STRANGER, the FATHERLESS, and the WIDOW - according to the OLD TESTAMENT scripture that I just cited from Deuteronomy?

There's an old saying, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander."  I ask, What's up that the goose ain't giving the gander their THIRD year props?

Why are the tithe promoters SELECTIVE about which Old Testament scriptural content they use relative to tithing?


For real -- churches are not storehouses.  Really, what are they storing?  Example of storehouse from Genesis 41:56 - KJV, "And the famine was over all the face of the earth: and Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; . . ."

Many pastors use Malachi 3:10, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."


Okay, it says, " that there may be MEAT in mine house . . .

And why are so many folks tithing money and not coming into this part of Malachi 3:10, "I will open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, THAT THERE SHALL NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT."?    Many tithers are financially challenged.  But view the mega church pastors who gain from tithers.  Where are they living, what are they driving, where are they vacationing, etc.?

Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

1 Timothy 5:22
. . . neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.

John 15:22
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

James 4:17
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.


It's NOT wrong to tithe money -- what IS wrong is the popular and long taught message that it's biblically MANDATORY. False teaching people declare that tithing money is of GOD. What that false teaching is -- is MAN-DATORY.

What's encouraged according to the Bible is that people give. There are folks who VOLUNTARILY give a tenth of money -- some give more -- some give less . . .

2 Corinthians 9:7 - KJV
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 8:13 - KJV
For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened:


Here's a link that gives a breakdown of five lies about tithing

Note: There's a site that offers a FREE brief pdf book about errors in the popular teaching about tithing.  I read the book and can express that it is the most truthful, effective, exhaustive and comprehensive information that I've ever read about the tithing issue.  For those inclined to learn more, here's the link               


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Understanding the Holy Bible in Context

Hi -

Scriptures are from the King James Holy Bible.

- Bibliolatry (from the Greek, biblion, "book," + latria, "worship") is the practice, within Christianity, of worshipping the Bible in the place of God.  - Source:

There are folks who believe that the Holy Bible is infallible -- incapable of being wrong.  Is that a false teaching?

I  present that I read Acts 13:33 in three Bibles, two of which were published BEFORE the 1611 King James Bible.  Those two are the Tyndale (about 1534) and the Geneva (1560) Bibles. Note that the English used in the older versions is different than the English used in the King James Bibles that we’re most familiar with -- so I’m NOT misspelling when I express what’s written in the Tyndale, Geneva and 1611 King James Bibles.

Acts 13:33 - KJV -- Capitalizations mine

From the Tyndale Bible:

God hath fulfilled unto us their chyldre in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne eve as it is written in the FYRSTE  PSALME: Thou arte my sonne this same daye begat I the.  

From the Geneva Bible:

God hath fulfilled it vnto vs their children, in that he raised vp Iesus, euen as it is written in the SECONDE PSALME, . . .

King James 1611:

God hath fulfilled the same vnto vs their children, in that he hath raised vp Iesus againe, as I is also written in the SECOND PSALM: . . .

The subject information is actually in the SECOND PSALM
yet the Tyndale Bible indicates that the subject information is in the FIRST PSALM.

Does that not debunk the beliefs that Holy Bible content is infallible -- incapable of being wrong?

Note: For those who don’t have Tyndale and Geneva Bibles . . . , content from them can be found online.

Update: The matter of the FIRST and SECOND Psalms mentioned above could be a matter of how the scriptures were placed in the particular Bibles.  The placement order could account for how that occurred.


Another example:

From the King James Bible (not the 1611 version) - Capitalizations mine:

In the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we read the account about the unclean spirits leaving and entering the swine.  Well, Matthew says that it was TWO MEN out of the tombs.  Mark and Luke say that it was ONE MAN.

Matthew 8:28
. . . there met him TWO possessed with devils, coming OUT OF THE TOMBS, . . .

Matthew 8:32
. . . and when they were come out, they went INTO THE HERD OF SWINE: . . .

Mark 5:2
. . . immediately there met him out of the tombs, A MAN with an unclean spirit,

Mark 5:13
. . . and the unclean spirits went out, and ENTERED INTO THE SWINE.

Luke 8:27
And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain MAN, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but IN THE TOMBS.

Luke 8:33
Then went the devils out of THE MAN, and ENTERED INTO THE SWINE: . . .


The Pharisees knew the holy scriptures but they didn't KNOW the Lord.  There are present day folks who know the holy scriptures but don't KNOW the Lord.  Jesus Christ is the Word.  In the beginning was the Word -- NOT in the beginning was the Holy Bible.  In the beginning, there was NO Holy Bible.   Revelation 19:13 says about Jesus, ". . . his name is called the Word of God."

I read that it was stated that we need to learn the difference in religion and Life.  1 John 1:1 names Jesus as the Word of life.

2 Corinthians 3:6
 .  . . for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Holy Bible usage WITHOUT the Word of Life, Christ -- is bibliolatry -- idolatry of the Bible.

The Pharisees and that type were/are in the realm of impure religion.  James 1:27 mentions PURE religion.

I recently learned more . . . that often, Holy Bible content can be taken out of context.  Two articles, in particular, convinced me...  Here are the links to click on: 

Update: Today, Tuesday February 25, 2014,  I found more links.,%20TERRI%20L/CAN%20THE%20BIBLE%20BECOME%20AN%20IDOL%20%5BTerri%20L.%20White%5D%203-22-02.pdf

Update -- Tuesday July 8, 2014, I learned of another article.  It is titled, Biblioidolatry.  Here's the link

Below is a helpful very brief video.

If you're inclined, please read the next topic here right below this one. 

The portion below titled, "GOD Knows..." is a re-post; it was originally posted on my other blog on January 28, 2014.  Today I transferred it twice to this blog - here and elsewhere, but in the elsewhere place, the top portions, with links...isn't included.

GOD Knows Who Is Religious and Who Is Authentically Saved

There's nothing going on that's NOT on GOD's radar. With GOD, ALL things are possible. NOTHING is impossible with GOD. GOD can move fast, slow or however HE DEEMS fit to do what He decides for HIS GOOD PLEASURE and for the gospel of HIS KINGDOM.

GOD is forever MOST HIGH. And only Jesus is the resurrection, the way, the truth and the life who rose from the dead in the flesh. No one can come to the Father GOD but by Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Author of salvation, the first begotten of the dead, the Word that became flesh, the Author and the F
inisher of our Faith, the Captain of our salvation and more...

GOD reigns.


People doubt and some doubts are in order...


Does GOD know that you're an AUTHENTIC Christian? Does GOD know that our SALVATION is authentic? Does Jesus KNOW that He is authentically in our testimonies and in the lives that we live with SINCERE purpose to perfect holiness - 2 Corinthians 7:1? Are our authentic born-again experiences PROVEN TO GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT? When GOD has His proof..., UNLESS HE INSTRUCTS US otherwise, we're NOT obligated to prove our authentic born-again experiences to others... Certainly, it's helpful to share but there's a difference in sharing and believing that there's an obligation to prove... Let GOD LEAD as to how much to share and explain...

Yes, we should exhibit and demonstrate godly fruits and evidence that we walk in truth. But when all is said and done, ONLY GOD knows the fulness of every heart. And truly, GOD to the FULLEST extent, knows who is authentically saved and who is not.

So, yes, we FIRST need to have a lifestyle of ministering to our Lord. Only then are we fit to minister to others. Jesus teaches us to share the gospel. He also tells us to judge RIGHTEOUSLY... We plant and we water but GOD gives the increases within people...

Yes, we are to examine ourselves and to work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling. Yes, we are to seek advice from and to learn from others. But perspective is key. ONLY GOD IS THE SOURCE - ALL else is resource. Yes, GOD uses resources but certainly resources CANNOT substitute for GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT.

GOD IS THE MOST HIGH - THE ONLY SOURCE. Resources are certainly to be appreciated - we need both - SOURCE and resources.

Again, with GOD, all things are possible and NOTHING is impossible with GOD. He does whatsoever He pleases...when, how, what, who...


Religious people, priests and elders..., crucified Jesus. They likely thought that they were saved.  Also, there are numerous people who attend church who ignorantly believe that they're saved.  Rather, they are bound by doctrines of devils, and traditions and commandments of men.  They don't dwell in GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT.  And they don't worship GOD in spirit and in truth, as is shown in the Holy Bible.

If you have any doubts as to whether your born again experience is authentic, sincerely seek GOD about it and He will reveal. Don't base your experiences, necessarily, on the experiences of others. GOD can move fast, slow or however He deems fit for each individual. We're all unique.  GOD knows that and deals with us, accordingly. Note: Yes, we body-of- Christ members have commonalities but we need to be mindful of our unique aspects...and NOT seek to be like anyone other than who GOD has uniquely created us to be...

The truth is that we all have areas of ignorance. It's a good practice to ask GOD to expose areas of untruths to us and areas of error so that we can learn how to dispossess what isn't of GOD and to embrace what is of Him - and HIS GOOD PLEASURE.

Jesus said in John 6:44 - KJV, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:..."

2 Timothy 2:19 - KJV
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.


Dishonesty can sure kill testimonies. When dishonesty has been discovered, it can affect testimonies and it can affect/damage and even destroy credibility. And dishonesty sure isn't one of GOD's fruits - and truly, when He deems fit, He judges it, and ALL else that's contrary to His will. The remedy: Be honest and credible...and when NOT, seek forgiveness and cease dishonesty and all else that displeases GOD.

Sunday January 26, 2014


Note: Here's the link if you're inclined to view the ENTIRETY of this blog 

Is it Really Wrong?

Hi -

Is it wrong because we don't believe it or is it wrong because we allow pride and rebellion to keep us from accepting that we ain't right...

Is it REALLY wrong or is it that - we AIN'T RIGHT?!

And when we're proven we have the character to apologize, seek forgiveness and to amend our WRONG directions?


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Abiding in the GOD of Truth with the Author of Salvation, JESUS

Hi -

I recorded the subject message on November 9, 2013.  Today, it's been re-posted to encourage and to assure that NOTHING is too hard for GOD...

Since this recording,
more has been taught to build more of my understanding about the gospel of the kingdom of GOD...

If you're inclined, please click on the link below to listen to words to encourage, to remind and to assure that - TRULY, NOTHING is too hard for GOD.


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GOD Knows Who Is Authentically Saved and Who is Just Religious

Hi - 

There’s nothing going on that’s not on GOD’s radar. With GOD, ALL things are possible.  Nothing is impossible with GOD.  GOD can move fast, slow or however He deems fit to do what He decides for His good pleasure and for the gospel of His kingdom. 

GOD is forever most High.  And only Jesus is the resurrection, the way, the truth and the life who rose from the dead in the flesh.  No one can come to the Father GOD but by Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Author of salvation, the first begotten of the dead, the Word that became flesh, the Author and the Finisher of our Faith, the Captain of our salvation and more . . .

GOD reigns. 

People doubt and some doubts are in order. 

Does GOD know that you’re an authentic Christian?  Does GOD know that our salvation is authentic?  Does Jesus know that He is authentically in our testimonies and in the lives that we live with sincere purpose to perfect holiness - 2 Corinthians 7:1?  Are our authentic born-again experiences proven to GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT?  When GOD has His proof, unless He instructs us otherwise, we’re not obligated to prove our authentic born-again experiences to others.  Certainly, it’s helpful to share but there’s a difference in sharing and believing that there’s an obligation to prove . . .  Let GOD lead as to how much to share and explain . . . 

Yes, we should exhibit and demonstrate godly fruits and evidence that we walk in truth.  But when all is said and done, only GOD knows the fullness of every heart.  And truly, GOD to the fullest extent, knows who is authentically saved and who is just religious.

So, yes, we FIRST need to have a lifestyle of ministering to our Lord.  Only then are we fit to minister to others. Jesus teaches us to share the gospel.  He also tells us to judge righteously - Proverbs 31:9.  We plant and we water but GOD gives the increases within people . . .

Yes, we are to examine ourselves and to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.  Yes, we are to seek advice from and to learn from others.  But perspective is key.  Only GOD is the Source -- all else is resource.  Yes, GOD uses resources but certainly resources cannot substitute for GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT.

GOD is the Most High -- the only Source.  Resources are certainly to be appreciated -- we need both -- Source and resources.

Again, with GOD, all things are possible and NOTHING is impossible with GOD.  He does whatsoever He 
pleases . . . when, how, what, who . . .

Impure religious people, priests and elders, crucified Jesus.  They likely thought that they were saved.  Also, there are numerous people who attend church who ignorantly believe that they’re saved.  Rather, they’re bound by doctrines of devils, and traditions and commandments of men.  They don’t walk in pure religion - James 1:27.  They don’t dwell in GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT. And they fail to worship GOD in spirit and in truth, as is shown in the Holy Bible.

If you have any doubts as to whether your born-again experience is authentic, sincerely seek GOD about it and He will reveal.  Don’t base your experiences, necessarily, on the experiences of others.  GOD can move fast, slow or however He deems fit for each individual.  We’re all unique.  GOD knows that and deals with us, accordingly.  Note: Yes, we body-of-Christ members have commonalities but we need to be mindful of our unique aspects. . . and not seek to be like anyone other than who GOD has uniquely created us to be . . .

The truth is that we all have areas of ignorance.  It’s a good practice to ask GOD to expose areas of untruths to us and areas of error so that we can learn how to dispossess what isn’t of GOD and to embrace what is of Him - and His good pleasure.

Jesus said in John 6:44, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: . . .”

2 Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Dishonesty can sure kill testimonies.  When dishonesty has been discovered, it can affect testimonies and it can affect/damage and even destroy credibility.  And dishonesty sure isn’t one of GOD’s fruits -- and truly, when He deems fit, He judges it, and ALL else that’s contrary to His will.  The remedy: Be honest and credible . . . and when not, seek forgiveness and cease dishonesty and all else that displeases GOD.


Written Sunday January 26, 2014 

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